Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This is what it means to say Phoenix, Arizona

For this weeks dialogue I chose a quote from the reading and will write my critical response to it.

Once their travels come to an end and they arive to the reservation, Thomas goes into a long story about what he's going to do with Victors dads ashes. He states that Victors father will rise like a salmon. Victor states " I was planning on doing the same thing with my half, but I didnt imagine my father looking anything like a salmon. I thought it'd be like cleaning the attic or something. Like letting things go after they've stopped having any use." Thomas states: "Nothing stops, cousing, nothing stops."

Victor has not had a relationship with his father in numerous years. He has unresolved problems with his father due to the fact that he left him and the rest of his family on the reservation. Therefore, Victor seems to feel his relationship with his father has stopped having any use. But Thomas makes a good point, yes his father has passed on and a relationship living is unatainable. But, a relationship with him gone, is still possible. He can let go of his harsh feelings and forgive. The memories, feelings, pain, happiness and all those emotions and feelings will never end, it will never stop.


  1. Hi Preston,

    That’s a great quote! It’s especially powerful given the fact that Victor completely dismissed his relationship with his dad and failed to see the ways he was still dealing with the consequences of his dad’s decision to leave. Your statement, “he can let go of his harsh feelings and forgive. The memories, feelings, pain, happiness and all those emotions and feelings will never end, it will never stop” is powerful.

    Thanks for highlighting this quote!

    Lauren :)

  2. Great quote.

    Forgiveness will change Victor. He will be able to move forward with his new life free from the past.

  3. I agree with you. I think Thomaas is trying to get victor to remember his father and have memories of him but its hard for victor to do this becasue he memeories are not good ones and thomas is sharing stories of the good times he had with victors dad which upsets victor.

  4. The beginning of the story the narrator says that Victor was "soon to feel pain as immediate as a broken bone". When Victor thought about throwing his fathers ashes over the falls as Thomas was going to do I think he felt it would be a powerful way to mend the past with his father.

  5. your response to this quote was done very well and i think anyone reading it will walk away with a realization that life really does not end. we all are really just in a state of being that is different that one we will be in when we die. no one really knows what happens when we die but one thin is sure, our relations with dead ones are still active and go on for the rest of our known lives.

  6. I agree with you I do think that Victor was still hurt because his father had left them. In a way it seemed like he was a little bit confused about his feelings towards his father since the hadn't kept in touch in a long time.

  7. I thought the quote you chose from this story was very strong and you made very strong points to support it. These points helped me also agree with you. When you talk about forgiveness, it really makes your quote even stronger.

  8. i really like the quote you picked to write about...i thought you had a lot of strong points supporting your quote. and i agree with what adam said helps me understand good job!!

  9. What a great point you made Preston.Just because his father is gone doesn't mean that he stops having meaning in Victors life. The relationship they had will continue to impact the future, even if Victor choices to ignore it.

  10. I like the quote that you pick out. It is very powerful. I can understand that forgiving someone that abandend you for years can affect the way you think and feel about that individual
